tafa, sera sy dinika

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Politi-News: Les Exilés en Frances, la bonne vie

POLITIQUE. Les exilés de la crise de 2002 en France refont surface et profitent de la tenue de la finale de rugby pour se rappeler à nos… bons souvenirs

Des reconversions réussies pour certains réfugiés !

Source: Clément Rabary
Midi Madagaikara paru: Jeudi 1er Decembre

Bénéficier du statut de réfugié politique en France ne signifie pas forcément avoir réussi. Les exilés volontaires de la crise de 2002 l’ont appris, parfois à leurs dépens, que vivre en France n’est pas une chose aisée. Survivre encore moins.

Aussi terre d’asile qu’elle soit, la France ne prévoit pas une insertion sociale à ces politiciens qui doivent faire preuve d’imagination pour trouver de quoi se nourrir.

Comme il est assez délicat de parler de ceux qui en ont bavé, ils occupent tout de même une proportion inquiétante, notre Jeudi Plus d’aujourd’hui s’est cantonné à faire un tour d’horizon de ceux dont l’intégration ne semble pas poser de problèmes.

Il va sans dire que les projecteurs se tourne presque d’office vers ceux qui ont réussi, au propre comme au figuré.

Dans la foulée, l’ancien Premier ministre Tantely Andrianarivo vient en première ligne. Il est basé à Tours mais sa société a des succursales jusqu’en Malaisie.

Le vice-Premier ministre, Pierrot Rajaonarivelo, qui habite à Paris, opère dans la communication mais il n’est pas exclu qu’il ait d’autres champs d’activités.

L’ancien ministre et néanmoins ancien gouverneur de la Banque Centrale, Blandin Razafimanjato, est resté fidèle au secteur bancaire.

Sur ce chapitre, l’ancien ministre de la Pêche, Houssen Abdallah, n’a pas totalement abandonné ce secteur très productif avec une société qu’il gère depuis Dunkerque où il a élu domicile.

Son homologue de l’Aménagement du Territoire, Herivelona Ramanantsoa, a, quant à lui, choisi la ville de Bordeaux comme ville d’accueil. Il a aussi sa société à lui.

D’autres responsables de l’ancien régime ont également réussi leur reconversion, à l’image de Christian Rasoarahona, qui gère une société de transport et de livraison dans Paris et ses environs immédiats. Le secteur est sans doute très porteur car notre consœur et néanmoins conseiller à la Primature, Rina Rakotomanga, opère aussi dans ce milieu.

Comme travailler n’est pas tout, l’ancien gouverneur de Toliara, Maharante Jean de Dieu, est retourné vers ses études de Droit dans une université parisienne.

Dans bien des cas, on ne parle pas d’un éventuel retour au pays. Mieux ou pire, c’est selon, certains envisagent de s’y établir définitivement. Logique en fait lorsqu’on sait que certains réfugiés ont de quoi subvenir à leurs besoins et ce, jusqu’à la troisième génération.

Sophie, Xavier et Annick Ratsiraka sous contrôle administratif

Les enfants de l’Amiral, en l’occurrence Sophie, Xavier et Annick Ratsiraka vivent comme tous les exilés politiques de 2002, en France. Ils jouissent d’ailleurs du statut de réfugié, les autorisant à rester dans ce pays aussi longtemps qu’ils veulent.

Mais à la différence des autres personnes, ils sont soumis à une réglementation toute particulièrement puisque selon les accords, ils sont plutôt tenus de rester dans l’espace Shegen.

Ils se sont vus refuser, il y a deux ans, des vacances aux îles Baléares. Et à première vue, cette décision tient toujours la route car selon certaines sources, les trois enfants Ratsiraka, et leurs familles respectives sont toujours en France et ils y restent.

L’aînée, Olga, n’est, pour sa part, nullement inquiétée par ces mesures qui sont les fruits d’intenses tractations entre la France et Madagascar durant la crise de 2002.

Cela explique peut-être l’absence de poursuites judiciaires à l’encontre des enfants de Didier Ratsiraka.

Monday, November 28, 2005

Econo News: Madagascar -China

Ambassador Wang Yi Holds a Press Conference on China-Japan Relations in Japan at Invitation

On November 23, 2005, Member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Vice Premier of the State Council Huang Ju and Madagascan Prime Minister Jacques Sylla jointly attended the opening ceremony of the "Seminar on China-Madagascar Economic and Trade Cooperation" in Antananarivo. At the opening ceremony, Huang delivered a speech entitled "Joining Hands to Create the Future" and proposed five-point suggestions on advancing China-Africa cooperation.
Huang said that China has always attached great importance to developing friendly cooperative relations with African countries including Madagascar. During the long period of exchanges, both sides have always treated each other as equals, shown mutual understanding, support and assistance to each other and become sincere friends and important cooperative partners. In recent years, both sides have continuously scored new gratifying achievements in their cooperation within the framework of China-Africa Cooperation Forum and witnessed rapid trade growth, steady investment increase, expanded cooperation area and enhanced cooperation level. Bilateral friendly cooperative relations have entered a new development stage.
Huang indicated that both China and African countries are developing nations and to strengthen traditional friendship and consolidate and steadily develop friendly cooperative relations under the new situation conforms to common interest of both sides. This September, Chinese President Hu Jintao announced China's five important measures to support accelerated progress of developing nations at the Meeting on Financing for Development of the UN Summit. This offers a new favorable opportunity for opening a new situation of China-Africa comprehensive cooperation.
Huang said that in order to implement these measures and fulfill the target of common development, he would like to make the following suggestions on deepening China-Madagascar and China-Africa economic and trade cooperation under the new situation.
First, to expand trade cooperation on the basis of equality and mutual benefits. China's rapid development offers broad market and huge business opportunity for Africa. China would like to continue making joint efforts with Africa to further optimize trade mix. China will continue to encourage Chinese businesses to expand imports from Africa and try to increase the bilateral trade volume from over 30 billion US dollars at present to 100 billion US dollars within five years. China supports striving for a fair and reasonable international trade environment for Africa's development.
Second, to actively conduct investment cooperation. China will push businesses with strength and good reputation to invest in Africa in a bid to double China's direct investment in Africa within five years, create more job opportunities for the region and realize mutual benefits. China encourages strengthened cooperation between financial institutions of both sides so as to provide effective financial services for their businesses to conduct investment activities.
Third, to expand cooperation area and enrich connotations and approaches for cooperation. Both economies are highly complementary to each other and enjoy broad cooperation area. While strengthening cooperation in the traditional areas of agriculture, infrastructure construction, medical health and education, both sides should actively advance collaboration in the areas of tourism, finance and science & technology in all forms and further expand cooperation scale by the way of combining various approaches including trade, project contract and investment.
Fourth, to strengthen cooperation in human resources development. Talents are key to economic development. China will hold all forms of training activities in the areas of economic management, agriculture, medical health, culture & education, customs and diplomacy according to practical needs of African countries and assist them to continuously enhance capacity building and realize sustainable development.
Fifth, to create a favorable environment for China-Africa cooperation. Both sides should offer policy counseling and information services for business cooperation, improve regulations beneficial to business cooperation and actively guide and encourage businesses of both sides to conduct exchanges and cooperation in various forms. At the same time, both sides should strengthen communication and consultations by making full use of bilateral governmental cooperation mechanism and push for sound development of bilateral cooperation.
At last, Huang indicated that China would like to join hands with Madagascar and other African countries to set up a bridge of friendship through cooperation and pave a development road based on mutual benefits in a bid to jointly push China-Madagascar and China-Africa economic and trade cooperation for continuous development, realize common prosperity and bring benefits to both peoples.
Sylla also delivered a speech. He made positive comments on the achievements in Madagascar-China economic and trade cooperation and appreciated China's measures for advancing bilateral economic and trade cooperation. He indicated that Madagascar is implementing a development plan centered on transferring subsistence economy to market economy and Madagascar can draw lessons from China's development experience. Madagascar would like to build up mutual trust with China, deepen cooperation and realize mutual benefits.
The Seminar, which was jointly held by the Chinese Ministry for Commerce and the Madagascan Ministry for Industry and Commerce, was aimed at pushing for enhanced exchanges, understanding and cooperation between business communities and enterprises of both sides and promoting their common development. About 300 related officials and businessmen from the two countries participated in the Seminar.
Source: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China
Non-profit/educational reproduction by mitafa Blogger

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Oil News

INTERVIEW: China Oil Majors Eye Madagascar Oil Assets
By Aries Poon
(Educational, non-commercial reproduction)
HONG KONG (Dow Jones)--Chinese oil majors are looking at forming upstream joint ventures in Madagascar to exploit newly discovered reserves on the island situated off Africa's east coast, says a senior official at Madagascar Oil S.A.
More than one Chinese oil firm has approached Madagascar Oil about the possibility of cooperating in oil exploration and taking a stake in the company, which was founded in 2004 and is eyeing a listing in London in the second quarter next year, said the official who asked not to be named.
"They (the Chinese companies) have very deep pockets. I prefer to work with them on the heavy oil projects because those are very capital intensive," the person said, but declined to name the Chinese companies that are in talks with the African oil company.
ExxonMobil Corp. (XOM), Sterling Energy PLC (SEY.LN) and Aminex PLC (AEX.DB) have already formed joint ventures with local partners since 2001 to develop oilfields on the island and offshore. Madagascar is expected to produce its first barrel of crude in 2007.
As China imports about 40% of its oil needs, high international oil prices have pushed the country's cash-rich oil giants to more keenly search for upstream assets overseas to control their costs, analysts said.
Madagascar Oil, with offices in London and the Madagascar capital of Antananarivo, is involved in three major projects. Two are heavy oil developments at the oilfields of Tsimiroro and Bemolanga, while the third is the exploration and appraisal of light oil and natural gas on the world's fourth largest island.
The firm's assets have a total valuation of between US$400 million and US$500 million, the person said.
Heavy oil has more impurities than light oil and thus costs more to refine.
"The Chinese will likely be involved in the Tsimiroro project, because of the big volume," the person said.
The Tsimiroro Oilfield is estimated to have a reserve of several billion barrels of crude, but it is of low quality, with an American Petroleum Institute specific gravity of 14 to 16 degrees.
API measures the purity of the crude. The lower the number of degrees, the lower the quality. Light crude oil has an API specific gravity of around 40 to 45 degrees, while lighter crude has an API specific gravity of 46 degrees or higher.
The Tsimiroro oilfield is expected to start producing crude in 2007. By late 2008 or early 2009, it will be able to produce 25,000 barrels a day, the person said. Daily output is expected to rise to 100,000 barrels by 2011, and the long-range daily output target is 500,000 barrels.
The Madagascar Oil official said a "beauty contest" of potential investors and partners is scheduled for mid-January, prior to the company's planned initial public offering.
"I prefer to work with the Chinese on a project basis rather than on an equity level, as we do not want to give up a big slice...to them. We still want to have control of the company," the person said.
Madagascar Oil has a number of shareholders, including London-listed hedge fund operator RAB Capital PLC (RAB.LN) and Singapore-based First Global Fund, according to the company's Web site.
Madagascar has proven oil and gas reserve potential and 70 wells have been drilled across the country since the 1960s. But progress in oil exploration has been slow because of environmental concerns.
Recent high international oil prices, however, prompted the Madagascar government to step its oil exploration efforts. The country spends one-third of its revenue importing oil and petroleum products.
Chinese oil majors such as China Petroleum & Chemical Corp. (SNP), PetroChina Co. (PTR) and CNOOC Ltd. (CEO) weren't immediately available to comment.
A source at China Petrochemical Corp., or Sinopec Group, said Tuesday the company plans to team up with domestic rival China National Petroleum Corp. to acquire drilling rights to an oilfield in Sudan for about US$600 million.
The two companies also teamed up mid-September to buy Calgary-based Encana Corp.'s oil and pipeline interests in Ecuador for US$1.42 billion.
CNPC unit CNPC International also reached an agreement in August to buy PetroKazakhstan Inc. (PKZ) for US$4.2 billion

Saturday, November 12, 2005

Econo News: improving the local policy for exportation

Les « 7 points capitaux » de Marc Ravalomanana pour une nouvelle impulsion des exportations

Les rideaux sont tombés sur le forum “Export 2005”. C'est le Président de la République, Marc Ravalomanana, en personne, qui a prononcé sa clôture officielle. C'est dire, l'importance qu'il attache au développement des exportations, en tant que première personnalité de l'Etat, doublée d'un homme d'affaires. En cette occasion, il a avancé 7 grands axes d'actions pour donner aux exportations une nouvelle impulsion.

“Vos soucis sont les miens” a rassuré Marc Ravalomanana aux exportateurs avant de poursuivre : “j'attends vos propositions et je suis ouvert au dialogue”. Mais avant toute chose, il a avancé une proposition de stratégie basée sur 7 points.

Le premier point consiste à améliorer la qualité des produits à exporter. En effet, au niveau des marchés internationaux, il existe une forte concurrence de l'offre. A des prix identiques, c'est le produit de meilleure qualité qui l'emportera.

Il faut aussi découvrir de nouveaux produits : 70 % des plantes de Madagascar sont endémiques, et elles intéresseront certainement les autres pays. Toutefois, il faut penser à prolonger la chaîne de valeur de manière à créer beaucoup plus de valeur ajoutée. Ainsi, il ne faut plus se contenter d'exporter les produits dans leur état brut, mais les transformer autant que faire se peut.

Le Président de la République a reconnu qu'il faut faciliter les investissements tant nationaux qu'internationaux. C'est dans le même esprit qu'il a suggéré de bien utiliser les avantages offerts par notre adhésion dans les différentes organisations d'intégration régionale (COI, COMESA, SADC).

En sixième point, Marc Ravalomanana préconise de renforcer le partenariat entre le secteur public et le secteur privé sur la base d'un dialogue permanent. Enfin, il faudra renforcer le marketing pour promouvoir Madagascar à travers le monde. Cela se fera par le biais de la mise en place d'un “label Madagascar”.

Il a déploré que nos richesses ne soient pas suffisamment exploitées. Quoi qu'il en soit, avec l'augmentation des exportations, la réduction des importations, en particulier, les produits agricoles, figure parmi les priorités du gouvernement, a-t-il annoncé.

Il a rappelé que nous importons chaque année entre 200 à 300.000 T de riz, soit environ, 10 % de la consommation. Avec une augmentation de la production rizicole se situant entre 10 et 15 % cette année avec un prix favorable aux paysans, il a déclaré : “je suis convaincu que dans 2 ans, Madagascar va devenir un pays exportateur de riz”. D'autant plus que de nouvelles techniques culturales seront mises en contribution. Ce qui aura certainement des conséquences sur la balance commerciale, sur le niveau de vie des paysans ainsi que celui des consommateurs.

Dernière grande et bonne nouvelle annoncée par le Président de la République : les problèmes d'énergie (donc de la Jirama) seront résolus d'ici peu, ce qui fut accueilli par une forte ovation des participants au forum.

Source: les Nouvelles
Author: Ranaivo Lala Honoré
Educative and Non-commercial reproduction by Blogger

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Malagasy President meets Opposition leader in Mauritius!!!!

Please find below the article about the presidential visit in Mauritius, amazingly, he will meet Mauritian opposition leader. It raises the question of either the 3FN has ever think of meeting him?

Madagascar´s Ravalomanana in Mauritius

Plaisance, Mauritius,11/09 - Malagasy President Marc Ravalomanana arrived in Mauritius late Tuesday on a three-day visit.

He was received at Sir Seewoosagur Ramgoolam International Airport by Prime Minister Navin Ramgoolam and other Mauritian officials, including cabinet Ministers, as well as Parliamentary Speaker Kailash Purryag and Chief Judge Ariranga Pillay.

Ravalomanana, who is accompanied by four members of his cabinet and representatives of the Malagasy private sector, will Wednesday visit the "Jardin de Pamplemousses" (Grapefruits Garden) to lay a wreath on the grave of former Mauritian Prime Minister, Sir Seewoosagur Ramgoolam.

He will later meet with President Anerood Jugnauth, Prime Minister Ramgoolam and opposition leader Paul Berenger.

Madagascar potential oil producer

ExxonMobil wants to boost Africa oil output 50 pct by 2010
Wed Nov 9, 2005 3:04 PM GMT
Source: Reuters 2005.(All Rights Reserved)
By Eric Onstad

CAPE TOWN (Reuters) - U.S. oil major ExxonMobil aims to boost its African output by 50 percent by the end of the decade as it expands in major producers Nigeria and Angola and steps up exploration in targets like Madagascar, a top official said on Wednesday.
"By the end of the decade, planned developments in several countries are expected to increase our African production by about 50 percent," Kevin Biddle, vice president for Africa, told an oil conference in Cape Town.
ExxonMobil currently produces about 2 million oil equivalent barrels per day in Africa on a gross basis. New projects will add around 4 million barrels a day, but part of this will go to offset declining production at certain operations, he said.
Biddle asked for partners to join ExxonMobil in Madagascar, which could turn into an important new producer.
"In terms of maturity, the deep water in Madagascar today is where deep water in Angola was in the early 1990s. There's a high degree of uncertainty and risk but the potential is also high."
ExxonMobil has interests in four blocks in the northeast part of the island that total 22 million acres, a third of the firm's total African acreage, he said.
"Additional seismic and magnetic surveys are planned for 2006 and we anticipate drilling of our first deep water well in 2006 or 2007."
Biddle said most of the firm's new output would come from big players Nigeria and Angola.
In Angola, ExxonMobil seeks to boost output by 1.3 million oil equivalent barrels per day by 2010 with eight project start-ups, including an liquefied national gas project.
In block 15 -- which has combined recoverable resources of 4.5 billion barrels -- Kizomba B is now producing 250,000 barrels per day, up from 200,000 when it started production in July.
Kizomba C and D are due to come into production in coming years with more than 200,000 barrels and 125,000 barrels respectively, Biddle said.
In Nigeria, where ExxonMobil has 15 blocks, around 10 new projects are due to add 1.2 million barrels per day of production by the end of the decade.
The firm has invested $12 billion in Africa since 2000 and plans to spend an additional amount before the end of the decade, he added.

Oil News: Madagascar potential producer of oil

ExxonMobil wants to boost Africa oil output 50 pct by 2010Wed Nov 9, 2005 3:04 PM GMT
Source: Reuters 2005. All Rights Reserved
By Eric Onstad
CAPE TOWN (Reuters) - U.S. oil major ExxonMobil aims to boost its African output by 50 percent by the end of the decade as it expands in major producers Nigeria and Angola and steps up exploration in targets like Madagascar, a top official said on Wednesday.
"By the end of the decade, planned developments in several countries are expected to increase our African production by about 50 percent," Kevin Biddle, vice president for Africa, told an oil conference in Cape Town.
ExxonMobil currently produces about 2 million oil equivalent barrels per day in Africa on a gross basis. New projects will add around 4 million barrels a day, but part of this will go to offset declining production at certain operations, he said.
Biddle asked for partners to join ExxonMobil in Madagascar, which could turn into an important new producer.
"In terms of maturity, the deep water in Madagascar today is where deep water in Angola was in the early 1990s. There's a high degree of uncertainty and risk but the potential is also high."
ExxonMobil has interests in four blocks in the northeast part of the island that total 22 million acres, a third of the firm's total African acreage, he said.
"Additional seismic and magnetic surveys are planned for 2006 and we anticipate drilling of our first deep water well in 2006 or 2007."
Biddle said most of the firm's new output would come from big players Nigeria and Angola.
In Angola, ExxonMobil seeks to boost output by 1.3 million oil equivalent barrels per day by 2010 with eight project start-ups, including an liquefied national gas project.
In block 15 -- which has combined recoverable resources of 4.5 billion barrels -- Kizomba B is now producing 250,000 barrels per day, up from 200,000 when it started production in July.
Kizomba C and D are due to come into production in coming years with more than 200,000 barrels and 125,000 barrels respectively, Biddle said.
In Nigeria, where ExxonMobil has 15 blocks, around 10 new projects are due to add 1.2 million barrels per day of production by the end of the decade.
The firm has invested $12 billion in Africa since 2000 and plans to spend an additional amount before the end of the decade, he added.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

'The Makis beat the Springboks'

An historic victory for Madagascar

Madagascan rugby is celebrating its centenary and did so in style on Saturday when its team, the Makis, beat the South African Amateur team 33-31 before 40 000 people in Antananarivo in Saturday.

As this was the semi-final of the Confederation of African Rugby's Top, Madagascar now go into the final in which they will play Morocco at Stade de France on 26 November ion a curtainraiser to the Test between South Africa and France.
On Saturday Morocco beat Namibia 49-0. Namibian rugby is in the midst of serious squabbles. Earlier in the competition they failed to fulfill an away fixture with Côte d'Ivoire but then scored over 50 points in beating Madagascar. The team they took to play the Moroccans, all of whim play professional rugby in France, was a much weakened team because the core of the country's players did not play.
The South African team is chosen by the convener of selectors Peter Jooste, and the team's coaches,. André van Wyk and Dali Ndebele from players who do not play in Super 12, Currie Cup or Vodacom Cup.
The Mahamasina stadium in Antananarivo was packed with enthusiastic spectators for a match of exceptional emotion. The president of the Malagasy Republic, Marc Ravalomanana, was at the match and introduced to the teams beforehand.
Cliffie Booysen of SARU was at the match and said: "Our boys were overawed but I don't want to take anything away from Madagascar. They were the better team on the day and deserved their victory."
In particular he was impressed by the fly half Sidoni Rakotoarisoa, lock Tolotra Ramaromiantso and wing Alain Rakotonirina in the home side.
Berthin Rafalimanana the Madagascar coach said after the match: "The result proves that Madagascans have talent in Rugby. The victory of Makis over the South-Africans is a great first in the history of Malagasy Rugby .
"The success is based on the unity between the players and the coaches with the support of the public."
At the end the South Africans formed a guard of honor to applaud the Madagascans from the field.
The South African captain, Yongama Mkaza  said afterwards: "The Madagascans played very well. They carried out their gameplan on attack and reacted well in defense.
"We were better in the last ten minutes but it was too late even if we could have drawn the match in the last second."
After five minutes the South Africans led 14-0 through tries by left-wing Elvin Hugo and 35-year-old prop Hakkies Swart,  and the crowd was expecting the worst but the home side fought back with a try by Alain Rakotonirina which encouraged a fightback that gave the home side a big 27-17 lead at half-time.
Penalties were exchanged in the second half and with the score at 33-26 to the home side, the South Africans scored as Theo Becker went over in the last move of the match. The crowd held its breath abut the conversion was missed and the pent-up excitement burst into gleeful noise.
Afterwards the Makis coach Jean Marc Louvel: "Wow, it's good!"
For SA:Tries: Elvin Hugo , Hakkies Swart, Theo BeckerCons: André Williams  2Pen: Williams 4
For Madagascar:Tries: Alain Rakotonirina, Tolotra Ramaromiantso,  Mito Randriamamitiana Cons: José  Rakoto Harison 3Drop:  Rakoto Harison Pen:  Rakoto Harison  3
Referee: Steven Paul Ojambo (Uganda)Touch judges: Raymond Oruo, John Maina Gachoya (both Kenya)Match Commissioner: Jean-Luc Barthes

Source: Rivals Digital Media, all right reserved
Monday November 07 2005

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Education News

High level testimonies on successful basic education approach in Madagascar, UNESCO HeadquartersA UNESCO-led joint programme on basic education in Madagascar has proven successful. A series of stakeholders will share their experience on the programme’s innovative methodologies and approaches on November 3 at UNESCO headquarters in Paris. High level government officials, UNDP and programme staff will provide a rich testimony on their varied experiences on this successful programme. Since 2001, the “Joint Malagasy Government/UN System Program” contributes to making Education for All a reality in Madagascar through the efforts of a wide range of development actors including the UNDP and the private sector.
2005-10-31 7:00 am
Universal Education For All The 2nd objective of the Millennium Development Goals stipulates the following “ensure that all boys and girls complete a full course of primary schooling”. In Madagascar, where only 37% of students complete primary school, universal primary education for all remains thus an important challenge. Active since 2001, the Joint Malagasy Government/UN System program has established a solid foundation for innovative educational policy reform. The brief history of the Joint Malagasy Programme The basic objective of the Programme for the Promotion of the basic education for all Malagasy children implemented by the Malagasy government together with the United Nations is to meet the basic educational needs of all children, adolescents and adults, with the ultimate aim of contributing to national efforts to enhance human resources so as to further consolidate the bases for genuine, sustainable development in the country. Currently in its 2nd phase, the Programme projects to scale-up its activities in order to continue to successfully address major challenges facing the country.Celebrities in Action through Sports… International sport celebrities have expressed their wish to actively join the fight against illiteracy and the right to basic education. Thus, with the participation of sports celebrities Stéphane DIAGANA, Emmanuel PETIT and Laurent CABANNES various sporting activities and events were organized in several regions of Madagascar during the first week of September in honour of International Literacy Day (the 8th of September). By teaching basic socialization rules and by promoting a culture of peace, sports create the necessary conditions for a disadvantaged child’s healthy development and reintegration into society, eventually allowing the child to find an appropriate path towards education. These international sport celebrities continue their battle for the right to education for all and two of them, Mr Petit and Mr Cabannes, will be sharing their experiences in Madagascar with the audience in the meeting of 3rd of November in the presence the Malagasy Minister of Population, Social Protection and Leisure and the United Nation System’s Resident Coordinator, programme beneficiaries as well as the Ambassador of the delegation of Madagascar to UNESCO.